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Improve management and go deep into the front line —— Oriental Ruiji (Industry) Group held 2022 management skills improvement training for team leaders and backbones.

In order to further improve the skills of the first-line managers such as the production team leader of Dongfang Ruiji (Industry) Group, promote the upgrading of the first-line management of enterprises and strengthen the construction of our talent team. At 8: 30 a.m. on September 3rd, the management skills improvement training for team leaders and backbones in 2022 organized by the company's administrative personnel section was officially held in the training room on the third floor. Sun Xilun, Executive Vice President, Liu Xu, Minister of Production Department, Yang Changhong, Chief of Administration and Personnel Department, and nearly 80 production site managers from the Production Department attended the training.

It is reported that the training time is every Saturday morning (from September 3, 2022 to January 30, 2023). The course is taught by professional lecturers, shared by famous teachers and interacted with each other. Focus on the construction of enterprise teams and groups, the improvement of the quality and management ability of enterprise team leaders, etc., and comprehensively improve the theoretical and professional quality of team leaders.

Today's training course is explained by Wang Guodong, a teacher from School of Management, Jiangsu University, for managers in the production line. At the teaching site, Mr. Wang used practical cases to analyze the puzzles and difficulties encountered by managers in production site management, so as to enhance the pertinence of teaching and improve the training effect. The course theory is combined with reality, which is easy to understand and very popular with students. Students also actively discuss the problems encountered in their work with teachers, and interact frequently on the spot. When Mr. Wang talks about the key points, everyone carefully records them so that they can make use of what they have learned in their future work, gradually improve their overall quality and constantly strengthen their working ability.

Team leaders are the most basic managers in the company's production and the link between the company and front-line employees. They carry out the company's business policy and corporate culture to the grassroots level and play a vital role. Facing the diversification of product market and the continuous improvement of customer requirements, the post skills and management level of team leaders have made great progress. The training for improving the management skills of team leaders and backbones meets the needs of front-line production managers and promotes the overall management level of the company! Everyone has expressed that they should study hard in their posts, work hard, be the leader of the group, set an industry benchmark for St. Regis in the East, and work hard to promote the spirit of Oriental artisans!

Company internal website:Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co.,Ltd | Jiangsu Dongfang Ruiji Energy Equipment Co., Ltd

Address:60 Linjiang West Road, Zhenjiang New District, Jiangsu Province, China




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